Update blog
We’re very happy to be able to share this update with you.  The men’s discipleship program, Campo Gonia, started 3 months ago.  It’s encouraging to see how these men are being instructed in the Word and putting into practice the things they’ve learned.

We started going to the city dump, where there are many people that work daily sorting through the trash for recyclable material.  They’re very needy people, not just physically, but also spiritually.  We sang worship songs, prayed for the people and shared a meal with them.  I taught the Word of God, told them about Jesus, that though He was in the form of God, He left heaven to come to this earth and give His life a ransom for many.  Because of what Christ did, God bestowed on Him the highest honor – Philippians 2 (please  pray for the people that received Jesus as their Savior)

Soccer in Pantanal
One of things I really enjoy while here in Nicaragua, is the blessing of being able to share the góspel and support some fellow missionaries that run a sports ministry in the neighborhood of Pantanal.  Around 100 youth gather every Sunday at 8am to play soccer.  They have a bible study before the game and most of these youth are not Christians.  They’re open to hearing the message.  Let’s pray that their hearts would be captivated by the truth of the gospel.
 El Puente Church
We visit this church once a month and pastor Jaime Arista shares the Word with the congregation.  It’s a blessing because the men learn to fellowship and meet other people that share the same faith.  It’s our prayer that at the end of the 9 months discipleship program, that God would put in their hearts the desire to join and serve at one of the healthy local churches so that they would be disciples, not just believers.  The difference is that the believer only receives and the disciple receives, but also gives.
Immersion – Reaching the Hungry Team
We had a team of missionaries that visited us from California.  It was a full week of many activities.  The men in the discipleship program had the opportunity to participate in every activity.  We visited many communities, gave away 300 reading glasses, 700 gospels of John and many gifts for the children.  We shared the Jesus Film in 3 different locations and hundreds of people had the opportunity to hear the góspel!  Glory to God!

*We want to thank you for your support and prayer.  It’s wonderful to see what God is doing through His Holy Spirit.  Romans 11:36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.  To Him be glory forever, amen.

*Would you like to be a part of what God is doing in Nicaragua?  Donations can be sent to:
Shepherd's Staff 6739 Academy Road, NE Alburquerque, NM. 87109 

All donations are tax deductible
or write to us for more information:  nicaragua.fernandez@gmail.com

God bless you.


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God is Faithful

November 2016