Mission Trip

Hello everyone! I want to share with you a little bit of what happened in October. It was a very blessed month, full of activities.

At the beginning of the month we had the very first missions team visit the church. There were 18 people! (6 were from Calvary Chapel Santa Barbara and 12 were from Calvary Chapel Rosarito) They were with us for a week.
Street evangelism
Wednesday service
Women´s night
Men´s night
Children's Fair
Sunday service
People came to the church for the first time, listened to the word of God, accepted Christ as their lord and Savior and now continue attending. I thank God for their lives. It was a great blessing to have them here! The church was encouraged and blessed to meet them, and many people heard the gospel for the first time! Thank you, Jeff and Bonnie Johnson, for leading and organizing this trip.

I had the opportunity to go to the Calvary Chapel pastor´s conference in Tijuana. I was encouraged by men who have served God for many years. I think I was the youngest of all the pastors there, and God spoke to my heart in many ways and confirmed my call.
We also had a wedding!!! I officiated my first wedding for Roberto and Josie. They are friends of mine and my wife from the Bible College. I am very happy to have married them. It is a joy to see how God restores and makes everything new. We are very happy to have been part of this moment. They are attending and serving God together with us in the church.
We continue to serve God and i am grateful for His faithfulness to His Church and my family. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
With Love Eduardo, Linda, Abigail & Israel


  1. super bien, estamos siguendo orando por ustedes. gracias por las buenas noticas


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November 2016