
January 10th, we got to Guadalajara and began to look for a place to live with the idea of starting a church as an at-home study in our living room. We weren’t able to find anything because all of the homes were too expensive and they had many requirements that we weren’t able to meet. No doubt, God had other plans. 
He took us to a place in which we had been considering, in a good location, but it is not a house. It is a small apartment where we live, with an events room with a capacity of 200 people with tables and chairs ready to start. By God’s grace we were able to begin the church in a building. God literally opened the door! 
We had our first service Sunday, January 22. We are systematically studying the Gospel of John, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. There are twenty-five of us assisting each week. 
On Wednesday, fourteen people are taking the servant leadership training. This training will be for six weeks to learn what we believe as a church and our vision. In this way, all of us together can be of one mind in serving God in the local church. I am so grateful to God that he has put the desire in these men and women to help us in this great work that God is doing in Guadalajara.
We are inviting the community to the church, and thanks to God, four neighbors came to a Sunday service and they really liked the service. Can you pray for us and the community? We desire to be a light in this place, where people can come and find God. That they would know that it is Christ in us, the Living Hope. That the people would know that it is a place where all are welcome. 
Personally, I would like to share something that God is doing in my heart. Before getting to Guadalajara, I knew that God had given me a calling, and was giving me a very special love for this city; I wanted to tell the people that God loves them. But every day, it becomes more real and being here and being their pastor, teaching them the word, beginning to get to know the people and see how they come back Sunday after Sunday to be instructed and know Christ more, God is giving me a genuine love for each person individually. I desire to see them grow in their faith and bear fruit. It amazes me to see what only God can do.
Truly, I am content and thankful to God for the privilege to see this work that He is beginning in the lives of these people up close. I am sure that many lives will be changed and families restored, simply because this is what our God does. 

We are a small church that is just beginning, but we believe God’s promise. 

Philippians 1:6, “Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you, will carry it out to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”! Since God has called me, He put a love to speak His Word to the people. 
Thank you for your prayers.


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God is Faithful

November 2016