Getting ready to Start!

Getting ready to Start!
We’re very happy to share this updated blog.  Lord willing, we will be starting the Campo Gonia Men’s Discipleship Program on Monday, March 16th.  We’re working on the final details of the temporary dorm room where the men will be living.  Praise the Lord, we already have men waiting to start the program!
There’s a lot of preaching, and very little teaching here in Nicaragua.  Some of these men do attend church, but haven’t surrendered their life completely to Christ.  Others have drifted away from the Lord and then others that are seeking to change their lives, but have no knowledge of the Lord.  We know that the only thing that can change us is the Word of God which cleans us and gives us a new heart and a new mind.
We believe that worshipping God brings forth the fruit!  As Christians, we seek to have his love in our lives as the greatest evidence of our worship to Him.
Our heart for these men is that God would open their spiritual eyes and that Jesus would become real in their lives.  That the Word of God would be the foundation of their faith!
 2 Corinthians 4:6- For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to givethe light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

We’re thankful to God for His provisions
We’re so blessed and thankful to God for the people that are praying and supporting us, which allow us to continue to serve in ministry.  Without a doubt, God has been faithful. Upon arrival onto the mission field, God blessed us with the wonderful news, that Linda is pregnant!! Thank God, the pregnancy is going very well and our baby is almost 4 months old J Unfortunately, as foreigners, we do not have medical insurance, and are looking at an expense of approximately $2000 dollars. We believe that God is our provider, and we know that He often uses the family in the faith, living in the mission field full time, we see this every day.  We ask you to pray and ask the Lord if perhaps you can support us in the calling that God has given us, and be a part of what God is doing here in Nicaragua.  

Contact Us
Thank you for praying for us. We love you all.
Eduardo & Linda Fernandez


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November 2016