
Hello. My name is Eduardo Fernandez. I am 28 years of age. I give thanks to the Lord for the opportunity He gave me to be able to share this with you.

I was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco. I was raised without knowing God personally. In my youth, I got heavely involved in gangs, drugs, and many other empty things. I was selfish, I would seek my own desires, I didnt care about the harm I was causing myself or others. Truely, my life before Christ was not pleasing to Him and there was nothing in which I am proud. They were things that were leading me to death but, now I have been freed from the slavery of sin. God rescued me and like it says in His Word,”I can love Him knowing the He loved me first.”-1 John 4:19. God saved me from a hopless life and He gave me a new life.

When I was 24 years old, I came to Rancho Poiema (Christian Discipleship Center) with no intentions of looking for God. I only wanted to spend some time there and then go back to the same thing. I remember one night when God spoke claerly to me through His Word in 1 Peter 1:14. It was His voice telling me to be an obedient son and to not be conformed to the desires of this world. God showed me, like in a mirrior, who I really was and the need the I had for a savior. I began seeing my life in a different perspective. It has been a hard process that God has taken me through but, I would never change it for what I am now; a son of God! A desire began to stir up in my heart: to go to Bible College and learn more about God. I began praying and when I finished my time at the Ranch, I went to Calvary Chapel Bible College. It was there where I learned to present myself to God as a servant who has nothing to be ashamed of and to rightly divide the Word of Truth.-2 Timothy 2:15. During that time, I learned from His Word and learned to serve in different areas. For example, missionary trips, outreaches, evangelism, and teaching. After two years, I graduated from the college. Being obedient to the calling on my life, I returned to Rancho Poiema, the place where I met God. Now, I was serving as a leader and was a blessing and encouragment to the brothers.

I believe that God knows every one of our needs and it is a blessing to be able to share this new life with the woman that God brought me, my lovely wife, Linda Fernandez. I met her at the Bible College and ten monthes after we graduated, we got married on Feburary 28 at Calvary Chapel Rosarito. Calvary Chapel Rosarito is the church where we are currently serving. We are enjoying serving God together because He is the reason for our new lives. We have decided to serve with all of our heart and strength. We enjoy recieving the new believers at the welcoming table. We help them get involved in different ministries to help them grow and we encourage them in their new walk with the Lord. We also serve with the youth at the church where I have had the opportunity to teach them the Word of God on various occasions. Soon, we will start having youth over to our house and begin a small, intimate discipleship program with them. I am also excited to start my second semester of “church planting” that will begin this August and end this December here at Calvary Chapel Rosarito.

My Wife and I have been praying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide us to our next step. We want to go where God leads us to be most effective and useful to Him. He has confirmed to us through His Word, Prayer, and the Council of our Pastors and Leaders that we are called to Nicaragua. We want to be a blessing there and we want to reach the lost. We know that God loves the people in Nicaragua and for that reason, we want to be a part of what God is doing there. We want to be a blessing, Share the Gospel, and make Disciples. We want to come alongside Jaime and Monica Arista and help fufill the vision God has given them for Campo Gonia. I have personally seen how God has worked not only in my life but, in many lives and families that have been changed and restored through His Word and the power of His Holy Spirit here in Mexico. I hope to be a witness of the work that God will do in the lives of the people in Nicaragua. What else can I say? God is Faithful and He never ceases to amaze us. I love Psalm 34:8- “Oh, Taste and See the the Lord is Good; Blessed is the man who trust in Him.”
Thank You for taking the time to read this letter. Please pray for us.
God Bless You.

Eduardo & Linda Fernandez


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God is Faithful

November 2016