Preparing for Nicaragua

We are very happy to share with you our updates on this blog. I work six day a week at the church along with five interns. We are in charge of maintaining the church for the bible studies and services throughout the week and helping different ministries. Truly, the time is going by quickly. The last three months, my wife and I have been very busy serving and learning in our church, Calvary Chapel Rosarito. 

We have been working alongside the youth pastor and this summer I have had the opportunity to teach the youth on Sundays about the seven churches in the book of Revelation. It was a blessing to learn about Jesus, his love, exhortation and encouragement for the church, not just in this time, but throughout all time. 

Sharing Christ in a Cross-cultural Context
We began this class together a few weeks ago and it is helping to prepare us for the mission field. Basically, it is about how to communicate the gospel effectively. We are learning the importance of this verse, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). Even when the culture is different, the message of salvation remains the same.

Church Planting Class
I am studying the book of Philippians. Every week I have to prepare a fifteen minute study and teach it to the class. I also have an hour of study with Pastors Mike Vincent and Michael McDonald. The focus is “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” (Ephesians 4:12)

We had the opportunity to go to Calvary Chapel Bible College Ensenada and share our experience as students there. It was a very special time where we also spoke about what we are doing now, and the calling that God has given us for Nicaragua. Without a doubt, God is faithful. 

In December we finish our time serving in Rosarito and we leave to visit our families in Sonora and Guadalajara for two weeks.  Our desire is to be in Nicaragua by Christmas time, begin to familiarize ourselves with the people, form friendships and assist in the ministry ready to begin 2015. 

“Prayer Requests”
·        For the trip, that God will continue to prepare the way. 
·        For Campo Gonia (“Camp Cornerstone”).
·        For provision for our time there.
·        For the Nicaraguan people.

This is a message from Jaime, the pastor in Nicaragua:  Campo Gonia is coming together little by little.  Thank you all for your prayers and support.  We continue with the battle for souls.  Various men have shown the desire to be a part of the discipleship program.  Our next step is to build the first dormitory.  Please keep us in your prayers. 

Would you like to Support Us?
We are all called to missions, whether it be to send or be sent. We want you to invite you to be a part of what God is doing through prayer, economically or a visit. We believe that God has a very special love for the people of Nicaragua. God uses every-day, average people to reach out to others with the purpose of bringing glory to his name. 

Contact us:
Thank you for your prayers and support.
God Bless you
Eduardo and Linda Fernandez  


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God is Faithful

November 2016